Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sang L What is the apparatus of revolution?

Revolutions have taken a huge part of human history around the globe over a long period of time. The basic reason for all of the revolutions has been the same: freedom. However different ways of revolutions have derided from new technologies in modern society. Since communications are one of the most important factors for people to unite together against the government, new technology has changed the “look” of the revolutions and has shortened the period. From using newspapers, letters, or even a mere use of runner messenger, an instant messages or emails take less time than one takes time to blink one’s eyes. A great example of effect of modern technology on revolution is a rebellion in Egypt. The president of Egypt, Mubarak held power for decades, and the people felt unfair and were treated unequally. Facebook, a famous social network website, has become really essential in maintaining and spreading the words of those in this rebellion that the Egyptian Government shut down the internet of the entire country. This example shows that unlike the old revolutions, today’s revolutions take less time and less violent, rather they are much more effective and united.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

revolution by jared dublin

Revolution always begins when a group of people have different view of what is going on throughout society, whether it is positive or negative. In violent or peaceful ways the group of people try to rebel against whatever it is they are going against. Whether it is in peaceful ways such as marches, or in Egypt's case using technology such as the internet and Facebook to get the message across and ban people with the same belief together. Or on the other hand there can negative and violent rebellions. In today’s world revolutions are much more technological and advanced then what revolutions were years ago.

The exchange on Facebook was part of a remarkable two-year collaboration that has given birth to a new force in the Arab world — a pan-Arab youth movement dedicated to spreading democracy in a region without it. Young Egyptian and Tunisian activists brainstormed on the use of technology to evade surveillance, commiserated about torture and traded practical tips on how to stand up to rubber bullets and organize barricades.

They fused their secular expertise in social networks with a discipline culled from religious movements and combined the energy of soccer fans with the sophistication of surgeons. Breaking free from older veterans of the Arab political opposition, they relied on tactics of nonviolent resistance channeled from an American scholar through a Serbian youth brigade — but also on marketing tactics borrowed from Silicon Valley.”

Monday, February 21, 2011

Revolutionaries in modern days by Won-sup S

If there is one difference to point out between the revolution of the past and of the present, it would be the use of internet. Without a doubt, internet has influenced our lives in many aspects. For example, people no more have to either meet or send letters that will take days or more to reach. People today can send e-mail to one another or chat in Twitter or Facebook; all of them only takes a short glance to let the message sent. This online source is becoming a common apparatus over the world. It became a method in Egypt too. Ahmed Maher, who first became engaged in a political movement known as Kefaya, organized their own brigade, Youth for Change with others. They, however, could not muster enough followers because most of the follower were arrested. What gave them a change is the use of blog, use of Facebook to protest. This was more peaceful than revolting by using physical force. This is how Facebook and Twitter recently gained power over the world, connecting and organizing people into one 'group'. Even though the utility of Facebook is not shown outside visibly, it cannot be disregarded because people from various regions share ideas very easily in one place. Although the place is online, it has a greater efficacy than that in outline.

Ubiquitous internet enabled people around the world to gather without actual movement. Scandals are disclosed by news reports and people from the opposite side of the biosphere can release a comment in a second. Events occurring in Egypt can be shown to Americans and therefore not only Egyptians but also justified cosmopolitans are protesting against the unjustified. This is one aspect of the present lives and thus we are getting closer to the ideal form of democracy.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Apparatus of Revolution by Tomasz Cichon

Social networking is definitely an apparatus revolution today. People use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to let others know what is going on in their area or country politically. Protesters and revolutionaries can have their voice heard through social networking. In Egypt, people contributed to the revolution against the president by news updates, media/politicians' reactions, and sending protest updates via social networks, SMS, and even e-mail. This expresses how far technology has come to provide other people in this world with crucial news of what is happening in their country. All of the messages and comments posted by the protesters on Facebook easily indicated what the demonstrators were planning to do: overthrow the 30-year dictatorship regime of Mubarak. They succeeded peacefully. Social Networking, therefore, helped participants in the revolution demonstrate their logistics and coordinate their ideas. Twitter and blogs were used to mobilize people all over Egypt. Social Networking was surely an apparatus for revolution in this case. In earlier times, people were often banned by the dictators in their country from using the Internet or from contact with outside forces. People had no way of getting their message across. By Social Networking, protesters successfully got their message and ideas across to others and made a huge difference in Egypt. The voices of the people in Egypt were able to be heard, and action took place against the government, which is great. Without social networking, this probably wouldn't have taken place. I feel that we truly witnessed a significant event in world history.
"There are very few moments in our lives where we have the privilege to witness history taking place. This is one of those moments. This is one of those times. The people of Egypt have spoken, their voices have been heard, and Egypt will never be the same." - President Obama.

Robert Murphy Revolution

Revolutionist’s today are using much more intricate and advanced methods of revolution. Aside from the typical violence and damages, revolutionists are using more technological methods of protest. Media and internet are now great ways of getting a message across. Facebook and Twitter have been used recently to gain support for a cause. The uprising against the president in Egypt is a prime example of how the people have used media and internet to gain support or get their message across. The government even decided to cut off the internet entirely in the country in fear that the protesters would become too powerful. This emphasizes how powerful social networking really is. It is extremely effective

The New York Times article also notes the power of social networking and also puts emphasis on bloggers. NYT’s article talks about how these social networks became a base for the uprising. The protest was a very large plan in the making, in which almost all of the planning took place over the internet with people voicing their opinions and their troubles with the government and president of Egypt.

Revolutions by Paul H

People have revolted from their all powerful leaders for hundreds of years. At its base, people fight back for the same reason: freedom. Even though they fight for the same thing, throughout the years communications and technology have literally "revolutionized" revolutions. Back at America's beginning, patriots tried to convey ideas of rebellion through newspapers and other old style forms of media. Being a smaller country at the time, spreading the word was more difficult that it is these days.
An example to a quickly uprising Revolution today is the rebellion in Egypt. The president of Egypt, Mubarak, has controlled power for decades. The people want change from this dictator type of leadership. One person in Egypt, Maher, set up a group on the most popular social networking site in the world, Facebook. Facebook is a very easily accessed website on the web; everybody has access to it. This group quickly gained members and eventually led to riots. Modern media spreads the word at the blink of an eye. There is no difference behind the meaning of the Egyptian Revolution and American Revolution, although modern media has made this current Revolutions become popular quickly.

Apparatus of a Revoliution by Harrison S.

Revolutions have been a part of history as a way for the people of a country to stand up to its government. The Thirteen colonies started a revolution as a way to break free from their mother country, Britain. The South instigated a revolution that would later become known as the American Civil War. It is inevitable to deny that revolutions change the way a country is run, or at least attempts to change the way it is run. Revolutions usually involve violence and that has not changed to this day. What has changed, however, is the way revolutions are started. In the American Revolution, the war started in the courts and legislative houses arguing over taxes. The situation escalated when the revolution went from the legislative houses to physical acts of harm in the Boston harbor. In those days, revolutions started with letter writing and continued with violence.

Currently, there is a revolution occurring in Egypt. The difference between this revolution and the American Revolution are the way they were started. The credit to the start of the Egypt revolution has gone to a group of protesters on Facebook. According to a New York Times article, a group on Facebook was set up in order to raise awareness for a wave of isolated labor strikes set off by government privatizations and runaway inflation. Rioters and protesters have taken to the streets of Egypt and have set buildings on fire, looted government buildings and attacked Riot Control Police. In this regard, revolutions are the same as they were in the 1700's. What has changed, however, is the way they were started. It has gone from letter writing in Congress to online posts on Facebook.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Apparatus of Evolution By Thomas Fahey

The biggest difference in revolutions in the 1700s and revolutions today is the impact of technology on communications. During the American Revolution, the Revolutionaries had to rely on written newspapers and pamphlets. These materials slowly reached a small number of people. Eventually, the colonists set up groups like the Sons Of Liberty and The Committees Of Correspondence. But even these groups were small in number. Events took months and years to organize.

Modern revolutions, like the one in Egypt, happen faster due to social networking sites such as Facebook. The original organizer, Maher, set up a Facebook group that became the nexus of the movement. If it had not been for these sites, the organizers would have taken much longer to pull together such large demonstrations. The availability of Facebook allowed communications, which would have taken months in the 1700s, to occur in minutes. This not only brought the crowd together, but communicated a common message and goal. Facebook was also used to get the best tactics of other revolutionaries to the Egyptians quickly. Because Facebook is everywhere, the revolutionary ideas will spread quickly through out the middle east and bring about change throughout the region.

Methods of a Revolution - Lawrence Chan

The apparatus of revolutionaries today is social networking. Demonstrators voice their discontent about their government, their lack of jobs, their quality of life, their human rights, and their freedoms over the internet. They do this via twitter, texting, and emailing. Demonstrators are able to organize their rallies on a moments notice through electronic messaging. In comparison to revolutionaries of the past the, todays revolutions can organize and begin in a matter of days. In Egypt rioters were able to communicate over facebook and other blog like websites to share their experiences and feelings about the revolt. They spread different methods of striking and protecting them selves against the enforcers. In previous times, governments regulated all forms of propaganda and news that the people would see and respond to. People did not have the option of publicly expressing their views of the government especially if it was negative and called for revolutions. The Methods of revolutionaries today have become increasing effective and will lead to many changes in the people's control of the government.

Apparatus of Revolutions - Robert Quigley

Revolutions have been occurring throughout history in many countries throughout the world.  Revolutions are used to gain freedom or a change in government.  The Thirteen Colonies of America used a revolution to gain their independence from England.  Revolutions throughout the years have changed with the increase in technology and communication.  A current revolution that is happening today is in Egypt.  The Egyptian revolution is taking place now because the Egyptian president has been in power for thirty years.  The citizens are getting sick of him and want to change to a democracy so that they can have the right to vote for a leader that they want.  In doing this there are many riots taking place in Egypt today.  Although the colonies and Egypt have the same goal; freedom or a change in government, their revolutions are different.  The strategies, technologies, and protesters are different now than they were during the 18th century.  Technology and the ability to communicate with people has grown immensely since the time of the American Revolution.  Tools like facebook, twitter, and youtube create a social network that enables crowds to gather at an instant.  In doing this the protestors are able to gain support much quicker and have a greater effect.  This communication enables huge groups of the population throughout any given country to protest at command.  In doing this I feel that revolutions today have a greater effect because of all the options the protesters can use to get their points across.  This method also helps them to get international support or sympathy instantly.  

Revolutions: Then and Now By Nigel N.

Revolutions: Then and Now
By: Nigel Noriega

It was long ago in the 1700s that revolutions were violent and secretive uprising, designed to destroy aristocrats by brute force and overwhelming numbers. Revolutionaries and patriots of this sort have come extremely far since then. No longer is life-risking espionage needed to communicate within the revolutionary group, and indeed violence is now not as heavily relied upon at all. In fact, the youth is now taking over the revolution business as opposed to older veterans. A perfect example is the situation in Egypt and Tunisia. Ahmed Maher was a 30-year-old engineer who was a leading organizer of the April 6 Youth Movement. Younger people in the organization took to the internet and used blogging to raise support for labor strikes set off by government privatizations and rapid inflation in 2008. On April 6 a widespread and general strike took place and it was promoted primarily though Facebook. This influenced those in Tunisia to do some, and they also took to social networking to communicate their experiences and ideas to others. Not only have revolutionary acts become more intelligibly communicated and organized, but they are also non-violent as well.

An article in the New York Times states how Mr. Maher and his colleagues used the ideas of Gene Sharp who argues that "that nonviolence is a singularly effective way to undermine police states that might cite violent resistance to justify repression in the name of stability." Newer revolutions now use this type of thinking to achieve their goals as opposed to the outrageous atrocities committed in the past in the name of revolution, liberty, and freedom.

Revolution By Daniel M

The days of secret meetings and organizations in order to plan an armed rebellion are long gone. During the French Revolution, meetings and message spreading throughout the country were held secret, thus all this built in emotion erupted into extreme and unnecessary violence in the streets. Today’s form of rebellion is quite different. Technology has evolved the way we live, with social networks giving people the opportunity to connect to and reveal their feelings on controversial topics and issues. Facebook given this opportunity to people across the world, helping them combine their ideas and talents to better their country and their government, and spur peaceful revolutions. In Egypt’s recent rebellion, the people communicated openly through social media and (for the most part) peacefully rebelled against the oppressive government with their words and sentiment rather than their weapons and fists. And after a week or so, their rebellion was successful and hundreds of thousands of people poured into the streets of Cairo and celebrated that their humane efforts forced the dictator of decades to step down.

This is how a revolution should be handled , with people pooling together their power, minds, talents, and ideas through social media to liberate themselves from tyranny. We’ve seen other revolutions through the years, but countless people were killed and bloodshed poured into the streets. This is the first revolution that we have seen that has incorporated the technology that’s available in a positive way, to promote peaceful rebellion- and it resulted in liberation. This method and outcome showed us what a revolution is all about and the positive result in can bring to millions of people.


The days of secret meetings and organizations in order to plan an armed rebellion are long gone. During the French Revolution, meetings and message spreading throughout the country were held secret, thus all this built in emotion erupted into extreme and unnecessary violence in the streets. Today’s form of rebellion is quite different. Technology has evolved the way we live, with social networks giving people the opportunity to connect to and reveal their feelings on controversial topics and issues. Facebook given this opportunity to people across the world, helping them combine their ideas and talents to better their country and their government, and spur peaceful revolutions. In Egypt’s recent rebellion, the people communicated openly through social media and (for the most part) peacefully rebelled against the oppressive government with their words and sentiment rather than their weapons and fists. And after a week or so, their rebellion was successful and hundreds of thousands of people poured into the streets of Cairo and celebrated that their humane efforts forced the dictator of decades to step down.

This is how a revolution should be handled , with people pooling together their power, minds, talents, and ideas through social media to liberate themselves from tyranny. We’ve seen other revolutions through the years, but countless people were killed and bloodshed poured into the streets. This is the first revolution that we have seen that has incorporated the technology that’s available in a positive way, to promote peaceful rebellion- and it resulted in liberation. This method and outcome showed us what a revolution is all about and the positive result in can bring to millions of people.

The apparatus of revolution today interpreted by Hyung Su Han

The apparatus of revolution today

Unlike the past it is technology that dominate our life. As for myself if I did not have my computer for one week would drive me crazy and cut off from society. As developments in technology advancing in a fast past, also are revolutions. The most important factors in a revolution is the transfer of information, the gather of the people who agree with the cause of the revolution, and the getting of ammunition.
Way back in the 1800's the way of transportation was using horses and letters. However it only takes seconds send messages using Facebook, e-mails, or even phone calls. The productiveness in the use of time is extended much more compared to the past. Also the gathering of people can become much more precise and fast when used vehicles such as cars and trains. However ammunition being transported and bought has become much more harder then the past due to the development of technology. Overall the agreeing of the concept of revolution has boosted to become much more effect then that of the past. "The exchange on Facebook was part of a remarkable two-year collaboration that has given birth to a new force in the Arab world — a pan-Arab youth movement dedicated to spreading democracy in a region without it." Through this quote we can see that both the gathering and spreading of ideals have been much easier for people to get in touch with.

Response to the Revolution By Daniel G.

The methods that have been used in today's protesting have greatly changed form riots that took place generations before. Different groups arise seeking change in their governments. In Egypt for example, protesters used modern and useful methods to achieve the freedom they have been long been seeking. Different members used websites like Facebook to communicate with each other and coordinate the riots. They formed different groups and planned where they should, which were usually public places, in order to protest so that they could get more people to join the cause. During the revolutions of old, people would send a message to the governments and the people by attacking a key target. The rioters would also have been for brutal and would have been seeking violence. During the French revolution, the rioters stormed the Bastille, killing many of the soldiers inside which sparked the entire revolt.

Another new method that the modern rioters have used is peaceful protest rather than fighting the government. People can send a clearer messages when the protest are very peaceful and large crowds gather in these protests. It a much better to use these peaceful acts compared to the riots of the past where people would execute and torture people in order to make a point. If they used violent tactics, the rioters would not have received as much attention and praise as the Egypt protest received. When violence is used, either by the protesters or defenders, it causes bad publicity. When Mumbark supporters attacked the crowds, people began to lose favor for him and his regime. It shows that in today's modern society, people who gather in peaceful crowds will achieve more success rather than the crowds that seek to do damage and injure people just to make a point.

The overall effect of a peaceful and organized protest is far superior than a violent and bloody one. As it has been clearly seen through the riots that are taking place in the Middle East right now, using peaceful methods will help people achieve what they desire form the protest. People may start to use these peaceful protest more often because they achieve the results they are seeking. Hopefully in the future, people can rely on using peaceful methods to send clearer messages rather than violent ones.

Revolution by JoeyG

The mentality behind revolution is commonly one that is angry with the way things are. The only reason why a group of people would revolt is because they want change. For example, take the riots and rebellions in Egypt. Since the people are unhappy, they go about several ways of trying to provoke change. In addition to rioting in the streets, Egyptian citizens have taken the revolt to the internet. Just as the New York Times states, "The exchange on Facebook was part of a remarkable two-year collaboration that has given birth to a new force in the Arab world — a pan-Arab youth movement dedicated to spreading democracy in a region without it."
Aside from this, common protest strategies include rioting in the streets, destroying public property, and more. Usually, revolutions turn out working in favor of the rebels. However, there is no peaceful way to do this. Sadly, the only way a revolution will work according to plan is with a little violence. In conclusion, revolutions can be effective, but are useless without displays of violence and anger.

Revolutions of Today- Mike T

In today's world war and fighting are a sad but true reality. Winning has so many factors such as team size, knowledge, and methods. What truly makes ones apparatus better than somebody else's? In the New York Times article that I viewed it showed protests, rallies, and other events being created over the new phenomenon website Facebook. People talk of these and the government does not like it. It has caused many problems between countries and their people. Although it seems social networking is a fantastic thing, it can be used against these people in many ways. The strategy of the protesters is to post things through Facebook to get their message across. Although they are successful in letting the world know, sadly so does their government. The government, which is their attacker, can then plan against them. In order to have the apparatus of a revolution today, you must be more secretive than these people are. Facebook is seen and known by way too many people and it is an unsafe way to keep information private.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh my beautiful by Sang Lee

I want you in my life
Please be my wife
On a bed, together we lay
until our last day

Oh my beautiful
you are unforgettable.
I dream of us playing in the pool
Our love is indomitable

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love Poem

I'm not much of a love poet

But I were to write one, I would write about you

An unopened booklet

Waiting to be explored, because your soul is as pure as morning dew

And how your eye lashes play symphonies when you blink

But they still remain quiet

But where have you been all my life, that’s what I have to rethink

I hope your always here, and never see an exit

Looking for Love

What is this, this strange feeling?
Why do you find it so appealing?
Love is only great when returned,
Only half have I always yearned.

Where is the one who will make both halves meet?
Can you be the one who has that lure?
Hopefully, this love will be complete.
I'm looking for love, but not so sure.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Love So Profound by Brendan McCullagh

It’s something about her that draws me in

Our hearts are churning from within

Love for each other, will never tear

Her beauty, with time, cannot wear

The little things, whether bad or good

Do test if which our love can last

A love for another, I never could

For I have learned but in my past

Love Poem

What could I say of our love,
That it soars, like a dove,
Or that it stings like a bee,
What comes of it, we shall see,

I have often seen you,
Walk across my avenue,
And simply I ponder,
If our hearts have grown fonder

Of All The Ones to Show My Love

Of all the ones to show my love
and all women in the world
Only one has risen above
and she left my life in a swirl

Her hair and body flow beautifully together
With eyes as bright and blue as the sky
I knew that i would love you forever
I could never say good bye

Love Poem - Rob Quigley

I really really love my mitt
But all too often it gives me a fit
Sometimes it makes the great play
Even when I don’t pray

I love my mitt with brown and tan leather.
It shines in the great summer weather.  
Bringing my mitt everywhere I go
I hope someday I’ll bring it to the big show 

Love Poem by Sean O.

This kind of bond is hard to snap

I feel like I am in a trap

Although I feel a certain way

I really don’t know what to say

But now I have to make a choice

Although I know she won’t rejoice

Now I’ve emptied my love filled cup

I guess it’s time to go break up

Monday, February 7, 2011

Finding Love by Harrison S.

Love oh love, where can I find it?

I weave and weave a web of love and yet empty is the knit

It evades me

Like a dry sunflower field to a bee.

Where do I start my search?

A sleeping giant of loneliness never been awoke

It is like trying to find birch

In a forest of oaks

Every Night I Dream of You by Tom M.

Every night I dream of you.
I dream that we are true.
I dream that there would be a sign.
I dream that it would say you are mine.

I dream of your perfect smile.
I dream that we could go the mile.
I dream that we could be together.
I dream that it will last forever.

For My Love I Miss Her So

For my love I miss her so,
Have not seen her because the snow
And when in March the snow doth go,
Our love will spread to and fro

Her bright blue eyes
A defining feature
For her body is no disguise
Her inner beauty is what I prefer

The Light Blue Hue of Your Eye

The light blue hue of your eye,
like staring into the morning clear sky.
Waiting eagerly for the day,
when i see you the first of May.

Your sweet scent in the air,
The light shimmer of your hair.
glimmering off the daybreaks sun,
heart feels as if it weighed a hundred ton.

How to Begin?

How to begin?
How to tap my love therein?
Shall I burst out in unspoken joy?
Or do I say it in a way that's coy?

My love our passion is naught but true.
I express to thee my love for you.
With flowers, kisses, and hugs everlasting.
It's value is not even worth exacting.

By Tom Lahey

Love Poem by Joey G.

My Future Wife

Mila Kunis, my future wife.

You are the only love of my life.

The surreal moment, when I stare into your eyes

Puts me in a great place; my own paradise.

Take my hand; it will be you and me.

Our love will last for eternity.

I promise you, whatever your heart desires.

My passion for you burns, like ten thousand fires.

The light from your eyes could outshine the sun.

A man who loves you as much as I, there are none.

To The Unknown Woman by Daniel G.

During the tender month of May
As I contemplated my doom,
I espied you one fine day
And your radiant visage lifted the gloom.

Your countenance shown brighter than the Sun.
Your eyes flashed with joy.
Your beauty compared to none.
You showed no sign of being coy.

My joy grows remembering our first meeting,
The brief moment we shared
Although much too fleeting.
I wonder if we aren't perfectly paired?

Oh, How I Dream of You Everyday by Nigel N.

Oh, How I Dream of You Everyday by Nigel N.

Oh, how I dream of you everyday.
When we're apart only thoughts of you may;
keep me sane. For I cannot live without you;
nor will my passion ever come to be subdued.

Life without you is mundane and grey.
Your existence brings color to the Milky way.
A color that nothing could ever undue.
And it's this color that makes our love ensue,

and lights our fires of passion. The desire
that only between us transpires.

My love by Tomasz Cichon

My heart trembles when my eyes meet this beauty
Her eyes make make me melt inside
I thrive to feel her body, and there is no immunity
She is my only focus, and my emotions are like a roller coaster ride

Is she really that hot or am I lying to myself?
I don't know if my love is real but I keep her picture on every single shelf
She makes me nervous, and I don't know how to approach her
Enough heartache and shyness so I took her soft warm hand and took my love to the alter.

Tis the love of my dreams- Mike T.

Tis the love of my dreams

Lives the girl whose hair gleams

She shines bright in this place

With her beautiful smiling face

I met her in the street

I starred at her body

Couldn’t find one feat

She sure was a hottie

Love Poem By Daniel M.

Your Love is My Drug

Please I’m dying for just a hug

Your scent revolves around me

Like a fish swimming gently in the sea

Your golden hair flows down my shoulders

My love for you would break ten boulders

Then I snap back from my dream

That hug was just merely a gleam

A CALL FOR THY interpreted by Hyung Su Han

Time is ticking away as my heart is shrinking
The only way to escape is to be drinking
I text I mail I call for thy
I still wait for an answer to see

Without thy my future is as black as a pitch
I see no further to seek for life
I choose death as life being ditched
please reply my call and be my wife

You Are Mine by Matt C.

You Are Mine

You are mine.
You are divine.

You are my life.
I hope to make you my wife.

I am so happy when I am with you,
And there is nothing more that I value.

Admirable, affectionate, ambrosial girl,
You are far more beautiful and more precious than the finest pearl.

Your are mine and divine and fine,
or; the perfect wife upon my arm.

For My Dear Claralee

Words can’t express, my dear Claralee,

How alone I would be.

If I had to spend a day

With you kept at bay.

Let’s make this love a permanent thing.

We’ll live together forever with a ring.

And we’ll always have fun.

Just because we are together in the sun.

Dear Claralee,

You’ll always be with me.

You are in my heart.

And we’ll never be apart.

Key to my Heart, By: Ryan R.

You have the key to my heart.
Your love is as sweet as a tart.
You never seem to fail to make me smile.
Spending time with you, to me, is very worth while.

I love everything about you,
Even when you sneeze with a cute little, "Ahh-chuu".
You are the reason I have become so tender.
You are my number one, my gold-member.

- Ryan R.