Monday, September 20, 2010

Frankenstein interpreted by Robert Q

The book, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, shows many characters pursue the theme, pursue life at all costs. Victor Frankenstein is a great example of this. He wanted to create a creature by combining human parts. During this time period, it was frowned upon to try to create such a thing but it never stopped Victor. By creating the monster, it ruined the closest things in Victor’s life. It disrupted the marriage of Victor and Elizabeth and killed his whole family. “… I am the cause of this – I murdered Justine, William, and Henry…” (Shelley 189). By pursing at all costs to create the monster, he ends up killing himself and his whole family.

Someone today with a similar obsession is the homerun king in baseball, Barry Bonds. Although Barry Bonds has the most homeruns, many people still believe that Hank Aron is still the king or should be the king. This is because Barry Bonds pursued at all cost to gain that title but did it illegally by using steroids.

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