Monday, September 20, 2010

Frankenstein Interpreted by Mike T.

The monster created by Dr.Frankenstein pursued life at all costs."I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit" (Shelley 73). He wanted to live and love. The monster was shunned by society for his appearance. He did not have any family either. The monster went from place to place trying to find love but he was always turned down because of the way he looked. The only person to talk to him without freaking out immediately was a blind man. This monster killed many in hope that his maker, Dr. Frankenstein, would make him a companion. He took the lives of others to pursue his own. You can tell he pursued life at all costs because he died at the end of the story trying to pursue life.

Someone today with a similar obsession is Barry Bonds. He pursued the home run record set by Hank Aaron at all costs. He took steroids which is an illegal substance and has been banned by not only the MLB but it is not legal for any person in the United States to take. He risked getting caught cheating(which he did) and one day having extreme liver problems to try and become the player to hit the most home runs ever in baseball history.

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